Here's 6 Things You Didn't Know About Skin Care

August 11, 2016

Skin care isn’t just about creams and makeup removers. Skin care goes way beyond that. Unfortunately, magazines and the media have taught us that skin care is something that only the most unfortunate souls (those people with strong acne and skin care concerns) should bother with. The truth is, everyone should be caring for his or her skin, no matter his or her skin type! We can care for our skin by changing and doing many things that do not involve our hands touching our face but many of us don't know how far we can go or should go before we stop at a dead end without knowing where to turn. So, today I wanted to share a few tips about things we should look out for when dealing with skin care!

  1. NOT ALL PRODUCTS WILL SUIT YOU: Even if the product we bought recently is made to target that specific skin concern we have, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will suit with our skin’s composition. One can be allergic to some ingredients, or they might be too harsh on us, and this should work as an indicator that we should look for a more gentle, yet effective product.
  2. EDUCATE YOURSELF: It is important that we learn about the things we put on our skin/face, and what they do to us. Just because the product we really want is the Holy Grail for somebody else doesn’t mean it’s going to be ours, as well.
  3. SKINCARE INVOLVES HEALTHY EATING, AS WELL: The foods we consume have a lot to do with how our skin behaves naturally, along with how it reacts to our products. By regulating what we eat and incorporating healthier foods to one's diet, we will actually help not only our body be healthier but our skin, too!
  4. IF YOU'RE INTO NATURAL PRODUCTS, STAY AWAY FROM PARABENS: Organic, natural products are more encouraged than those products that we buy in a fancy bottle, since they are free of preservatives that could be potentially dangerous for the skin. Although the studies performed so far don't reveal negative results (for lack of specifics), parabens are essentially chemicals you place onto your skin (aka something unnatural).
  5. CHECK YOUR SLEEPING ENVIRONMENT: Change your pillows often and, if possible, treat yourself to some silk pillowcases (so fancy!) as these prevent our skin from wrinkling or marking while we’re sleeping.
  6. INVEST ON PH STRIPS: Here’s why: we mix so many products on our skin that we don’t really know if these end up doing worse for us. The more acid (lower) the pH is, the more prone to acne and oiliness you are. The more basic (higher) the pH is, the more prone to dryness and irritation you are. We want products that neutralize our skin (close to a 7 on the scale) because that means it will balance and calm down our skin!

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