I had an awakening the other day where I realised a bunch of stuff. I was weirded out because these sort of moments where people analyse and think a lot about stuff happen mainly to old and grown up people. But then, I realised, I am sort of like a grown up, right? Here's a closer look into my cluttered, yet organised, mind:
+ There's absolutely no need for me to have all of the "extras" that I currently own. By extras, I mean like all of these extra concealers, extra eyeliners of the same color, extra hairbrushes that end up doing the same thing, extra water bottles that can cary the same water... and the list goes on.
+ I've decided to finish all of the things that I own that can be finished. Like those extra concealers, extra opened bottles of shampoo, extra moisturisers that I don't really need; instead of just throwing them away. I already spent the money on them so I should, at least, make the most of them. But, the goal is to finish and get rid of them.
+ I want to practice the art of controlling my mind and body: yoga. I want to know what my body is capable of and make it happen. I want to cleanse my mind of negative vibes. I want to know that I can be more than what I am now.
+ I want to be more mindful about my purchases. I was thinking of dedicating a whole blogpost to this matter because I feel like it is an important subject. Maybe like a guide into "how to avoid post-purchase regret" like the one I'm feeling now with all of these extras (exclamation points times a thousand)!
+ I should probably spend more time on things that make me happy, instead of things that I will regret on the long run. A good example for this is procrastination: it doesn't really make me happy if it will cause me stress and regret in a few days come.
+ I want to detach myself from the world. And, no, it is not at all like it sounds. I want to find a way to live with my possessions without feeling a physical or emotional attachment to them, as well as with people. It's not like I won't feel pain if someone dies or anything but I want to befriend people and not feel attraction to them. One of the biggest flaws I consider to have is the fact that I get attached to people so. damn. easily, I honestly feel annoyed by it.
To be honest, I feel like all I need in my life is just a fresh start. I have this intense need to get rid of anything that doesn't matter and go on from there. And, the best part is that there's no right or wrong because I am just living the life I believe is correct for me right now.
I hope you're having a wonderful day. xx