Happy New Year!
I can't honestly believe 2015 has already passed and that we are starting a brand new year. I feel like we are still in 2012 or something. It kinda feels like my life froze somewhere between May of 2013 and not a single second has passed. It's needless to say that it feels absolutely surreal the fact that I'm actually in my second year in college, let alone college at all.Today, I thought it would be fun to talk about my resolutions for this new year and to also list some things that I want and will be working towards in, at least, the month of January.
+ My first resolution is super basic, but it is to be healthy. Both healthy as in fitness and wellbeing.
+ I want to make friendships and keep them by caring for them and actually trying, as opposed to what I always
do which is turn around and push people as far away as I can from me.
+ I want to do as best as I can to actually do something towards my career. Could be an internship, a summer job, an upgrade
of my current job to something more geared towards my field of study, getting better grades, joining more clubs, whatever.
+ I want to buy this anytime during the year.
+ I want to get a tattoo. Like, for real. It's time.
+ Probably also another piercing.
+ I want to incorporate a minimal lifestyle and think more about quality than anything else.
+ I want to take more pictures of my friends, the sky, the floor and the buildings that surround me.
+ I would love to own a pair of brown taupe-ish booties.
I hope this new year is better than the last one. I'm super excited to make my resolutions become accomplishments and make 2016 the best year yet. Happy Monday, everyone!