Things that have happened in the semester:

December 10, 2015
+ I made 8 new friends in the course of a month. This has never, ever happened before. And they're real people. Like, we talk to each other and I have their numbers. They're not just people I met. We hang out occasionally. I swear, they're real, I'm not schizophrenic.

+ I learned the studying trick that helps me the most and here's how to make it work on you, too.

+ I discovered I love quesadillas.

+ I got a job (!!!!!!!!) at the library.

+ I'm becoming an intermediate francophone which means I am so close to being fully trilingual.

+ My phone died within a week of me being at college this semester so I had to go to the City and get a brand new phone. I currently own a phone that has never been to Puerto Rico before; that's weird.

+ I discovered I have social anxiety.

+ I watched the Big Bang Theory, Star Wars episode IV, V and VI, the Martian, Everest, Mockingjay pt.2, went to a theatre performance, etc.

+ I stayed at a friend's house for Thanksgiving.

+ My coffee machine was taken away from me so I bought a new one. It broke.

+ I probably have insomnia and narcolepsy. Which is weird but that's the best explanation for my daily life, in all honesty.

+ I went to a proper American/college party. It was okay. The one's back home are better, to be honest.

+ I haven't cried of frustration (!!!!!!!!!) yet, which is amazing.

+ Snow hasn't fallen yet.

Hope you're having an awesome Thursday!

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