Hey guys. This week, or for this post, I wanted to write an update on life. It's been real hectic to the point where I don't know what day it is most days. But, you know, we deal with it because it's college and you can't expect it to be peaches and cream all the time, right?
On Thanksgiving, my friend Gabby invited me over to her house which is up north in NJ and I just think it was the kindest thing. I told her I was planning on staying on campus on Thanksgiving break, which meant I would be by myself 95% of the time and I would have to pay an excessive amount for extra housing (which I believe is stupid), and she stopped me and said "No, you're staying at mine". I had the greatest time: we watched like 5 movies, put up her tree, went to the mall, and ate so much we could almost explode. Also, fun fact about our trip to the mall: we went to the Palisades Mall to ice skate for a bit and roam around and I fell in love with it so badly only to realise it is in New York. So, we went to another state and I didn't have to pay anything to get there. It was fun, sorry for sounding like an alien (I'm a hillbilly from Puerto Rico).
This week, I have two exams (Stats and Chem) and they are both killing me. I wish I knew what I was doing most of the time.
I've been taking my time to find music, or at least update myself on the one that's currently "in", and I'm in love with this one. Also, Taylor made a video for Undone with this song and I've been obsessed. By the way, you guys should check out Taylor if you haven't because I'm obsessed with her even though she probably doesn't know I exist.
There's only 16 days until I get to go home (yay!) and this makes me so excited to the point where I can't sleep most nights.
My coffee maker broke and coffee makers are expensive (especially those that colleges let you use) and I'm mad and frustrated because I love coffee and now I have 0.
And, I'm going to stop because this post is getting lengthy. But, you get the gist. I've been busy, having fun, educating myself and just having a nice, frustrating but balanced life. Hope you're having a balanced life, as well!
Thanks for reading, xx.
PS: Happy 1st of December!