10 Random Things No. 1

October 19, 2015

Life has been hectic these past few weeks and I've been crazy busy with school, my social life, work and hygiene (don't tell me you're not human, please). If you're in college, you'll know that keeping track of all of these at once is the craziest ride ever. But between those things, there have been a few "events" in my life that I've decided to list down for you guys (also, I like making lists so this was fun).

1. I want this so badly, you guys have no idea. The fact that it is almost always sold out breaks me slowly.

2. I've been watching the Big Bang Theory for the past month and I'm almost about to finish season 7. Best decision I ever made.

3. I have a Golden Pothos named Lolita and she's the cutest. That's her on the picture above. (I never get tired of mentioning this to people, although I just realised it has to be the most annoying thing. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry.)

4. I'm obsessed with the aesthetically-pleasing way of making coffee, like when using a Chemex. Too bad I'm too poor to own one. But, here's a nice picture of that.

5. This is my favourite song ever, ever, ever.

6. One of my friends pointed out how "ew" Snapchat is and I realised he's right. I might cut Snapchat out of my life now.

7. This is the most breathtaking thing I've seen/read all month (disclaimer: those images are pretty graphic so if you're not into things going through your brain, don't open that link).

8. I want to get this hair cut next.

9. I've been on a pizza-free, take-out-free, soda-free "diet" for two weeks now. I should also add cookie-free to that but I'm too lazy to say that's actually true.

10. Shut up because these are the cutest.

(I want to try and do these weekly because I really enjoyed making this.)
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