Today I decided to properly introduce fall into my life by writing this post about Fall! Ever since I moved to NJ, I have been in love with Fall because it is nothing like anything I had ever experienced in my life. Living in Puerto Rico, you don't really get a hint of Fall at all in the year so the first time I saw the trees changing colors and the weather getting colder in here was breathtaking for me. So, without further ado, let's get into the questions:
1. Favorite Fall lip product?
My current favourite fall lip look is a combination of two products: Maybelline's Truffle Tease (930) and Revlon's Berry Couture (835). Together, they have a somewhat shiny finish and healthy pink/berry color that looks really moisturising as the weather decreases.
2. Favorite Fall Nail Polish?
My favourite fall nail polish color is black. It just gives you those Halloween vibes. (Plus, when is it not the right time to wear black nail polish, am I right?)
3. Favorite Starbucks Fall Drink?
Recently, I've been avoiding Starbucks because I feel like it's not as good as it used to be. But, my favourite coffee drinks in the Fall are Iced Caramel Macchiatos and Caramel Lattes (with extra shots)!
4. Favorite Fall Candle?
Unfortunatelly, I'm not allowed to have candles in my dorm room, so I can't really say certainly. But, if we're talking about scents, I have been loving the Bath & Body Works Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte mist. It's heavenly and warm and so good.
5. Favorite Fall Scarf or accessory?
My favourite fall accessory has to be my Ray Ban glasses just because I usually wear my contacts but, since they have a tortoise-y print, they make the fall colors come to place.
6. Haunted house, haunted hay ride, or haunted corn maze?
Haunted house!
7. Favorite Halloween movie?
I'm not a fan of scary halloween movies because I get super traumatised (I'm that type of person). But, I'm gonna go real childish and say Coraline because that movie is so creepy but so cool at the same time.
8. Favorite candy to eat on Halloween?
Homemade cupcakes are the best, honestly. I don't really eat candy.
9. What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
As of right now, I'm thinking of drawing a skull face kind of makeup or a skull candy type of "costume" just because I've never been really good at dressing up. Maybe I'll end up buying cat ears and being the typical kitty on Halloween. Who knows?
10. What is your Favorite thing about Fall?
I love, love, LOVE the colors on the trees as we get closer to November. It's the best palette in the whole world!
So, that is it for this post. Feel free to comment your own answers to the questions; I would love to know more about you guys. Thanks for reading, xx.
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