10 Things You Should Know Before Going to College

June 1, 2016
I just noticed! College season is at full speed for freshmen right now; picking roommates and choosing classes and/or the essentials for college, and what not. I had an epiphany in which I, a soon-to-be college junior, would give some advice to those who would be soon-to-be college freshmen, on what you should know before going to college (because, trust me, there’s many things nobody tells you and there’s many things everyone lies about).
1. Always pick the meal plan that has slightly less meals than the ones you’re planning to eat. You will most likely not use every single one of them because 1. you’ll want to order take out, or 2. eat with your friends, or 3. sleep through dinner time, or even 4. eat in your dorm because you’re too lazy. So many things can happen, trust me, and you will want to save up the extra money of those extra meals before they go to waste.

2. Important: Not everyone makes friends on the first semester, or on the second one, and that’s totally normal. However…

3. Be open-minded because college is a world of it’s own. The more open-minded you are and the more you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, the more people will want to be your friend and get to know you. It’s the circle of life.

4. Rooming with a friend or your best friend won’t always be the best idea you’ve ever had. When you room with someone, you get to know them in a deeper level and you learn about their tendencies, their ways of life, their habits, and sometimes they don’t correlate with yours, which can slightly affect your friendship. Instead…

5. Try to room with a person you don’t know. There’s a chance you two can become friends, you will know about this person’s way of life and, if they influence you in a positive way, they could potentially improve your way of living. However…

6. Keep your eyes open at all times, as people aren’t often what they seem. People often think that college is an opportunity for them to start fresh at a place where nobody knows about their lives, or their past, and this can be a good thing for them, but dangerous for someone who just wants to make friends. It’s like everything in life: it’s always good to be aware of where you are, with whom, and what they and you are doing.

7. Make smart choices, always keeping in mind your priorities. It’s essential for you to always be reminded of the reason why you came to college in the first place, and what you wish to accomplish, as this can help guide you to make the best choices that will set your path to success and your future.

8. You’re still a kid and you’re allowed to 1. want to be home, 2. be with your mom, 3. cry uncontrollably, 4. be broke and need help from mom and dad, 5. make wrong choices once in a while, 6. not know what you want to do with your life, 7. eat crappy food and binge from time to time, 8. get bad grades, 9. get a massive hangover, and 10. have shitty friends who will back stab you. It’s all part of it; you just have to learn how to get over it.

9. Invest in some quality time in which you pamper yourself and exercise your body.

10. Carry a lighter, a pen, a hair tie, painkillers and bubble gum at all times. They can potentially save a person’s life.

PS: I'm very sorry for the delay in posts. I've been having a lot of connection issues and I went on a trip so I was distracted and didn't had much time to prepare. However, I'm working very hard to get something up as soon as I can!
Image found on Pinterest.
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