Spring Break Haul • 2016

March 24, 2016

I decided to get my shopping on during Spring Break and bought a couple of staple pieces for my wardrobe and beauty stash. I'm a very simple girl when it comes to most things and it so happens to include my fashion accessories and beauty essentials.

Top: H&M
Card Holder: Forever 21
Cat Ears: Forever 21

I have also made up my mind and decided to make the very difficult transition into cruelty-free makeup. I was highly inspired by my career of choice and decided to make a change and not contribute to companies who test on animals, after experiencing what it's like to actually test on animals. I recognise that this is a very long process since it is hard to replace really good products that are easy to obtain (ie. drugstore) with products that are morally better but perform just as well or better.

Mascara: Jordana
Brow Pomade: NYX
Lip Balm: Anthropologie
Beauty Blender: Real Techniques
Powder: e.l.f.

(I want to say that I still own a bunch of products from brands that are not CF and I might still feature them on the blog simply because I own them. However, I have made a compromise with myself to not purchase any more products from brands that are not CF. I still get products to review that are not CF and this will change as soon as I can make it possible. Also, my skincare products have not been revised yet. I am only starting with makeup items.)

Hope you're having a lovely week!

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